OEM for BioRad Mini-PROTEAN Vertical Electro Cell 4-gel Mini Trans-Blot #1658030
SKU: BR 1658030
- OEM Replacement parts for Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® Vertical Electrophoresis Cell, 4-gel, for Mini Precast Gels with Mini Trans-Blot® Module #1658030
- Electrophoresis and blotting system for precast gels, includes 4-gel system (#1658004) and blotting module (#1703935)
- Same quality
- Please contact us if you need more Bio-Rad OEM parts
- We also do OEM for Your company!
- Notes: Hazardous chemicals commonly used in conjunction with electrophoresis work, Electrophoresis work poses potential electrical, chemical and physical safety hazards. Do NOT buy used electrophoresis parts which may have hazardous chemicals. For safety, always buy New electrophoresis parts!
- We also do OEM for Your company!
- Notes: Hazardous chemicals commonly used in conjunction with electrophoresis work, Electrophoresis work poses potential electrical, chemical and physical safety hazards.
- Do NOT buy used electrophoresis parts which may have hazardous chemicals. For safety, always buy New electrophoresis parts!